
NetBSD用户指南中文版、NetBSD pkgsrc指南中文版...

版主: lionux

帖子: 2465
注册时间: 2010-01-21 3:27


帖子 leo » 2010-03-08 3:18

除了环境变量以及 /etc/mk.conf, 编译过程受很多 build.sh 脚本的选项影响, as 我们前面已经看见了无特权(非root)编译, 选择目标构架或者防止编译前删除旧文件。所有这些选项可以通过运行 build.sh -h列出:

代码: 全选

$ cd /usr/src
$ build.sh -h
Usage: build.sh [-EnorUux] [-a arch] [-B buildid] [-D dest] [-j njob]
		[-M obj] [-m mach] [-N noisy] [-O obj] [-R release] [-T tools]
		[-V var=[value]] [-w wrapper] [-X x11src] [-Z var]
		operation [...]

 Build operations (all imply "obj" and "tools"):
    build               Run "make build".
    distribution        Run "make distribution" (includes DESTDIR/etc/ files).
    release             Run "make release" (includes kernels and distrib media).

 Other operations:
    help                Show this message and exit.
    makewrapper         Create nbmake-${MACHINE} wrapper and nbmake.
                        Always performed.
    obj                 Run "make obj".  [Default unless -o is used]
    tools               Build and install tools.
    install=idir        Run "make installworld" to `idir' to install all sets
			except `etc'.  Useful after "distribution" or "release"
    kernel=conf         Build kernel with config file `conf'
    releasekernel=conf  Install kernel built by kernel=conf to RELEASEDIR.
    sets                Create binary sets in RELEASEDIR/MACHINE/binary/sets.
			DESTDIR should be populated beforehand.
    sourcesets          Create source sets in RELEASEDIR/source/sets.
    params              Display various make(1) parameters.

    -a arch     Set MACHINE_ARCH to arch.  [Default: deduced from MACHINE]
    -B buildId  Set BUILDID to buildId.
    -D dest     Set DESTDIR to dest.  [Default: destdir.MACHINE]
    -E          Set "expert" mode; disables various safety checks.
                Should not be used without expert knowledge of the build system.
    -j njob     Run up to njob jobs in parallel; see make(1) -j.
    -M obj      Set obj root directory to obj; sets MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX.
                Unsets MAKEOBJDIR.
    -m mach     Set MACHINE to mach; not required if NetBSD native.
    -N noisy	Set the noisyness (MAKEVERBOSE) level of the build:
		    0	Quiet
		    1	Operations are described, commands are suppressed
		    2	Full output
		[Default: 2]
    -n          Show commands that would be executed, but do not execute them.
    -O obj      Set obj root directory to obj; sets a MAKEOBJDIR pattern.
                Unsets MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX.
    -o          Set MKOBJDIRS=no; do not create objdirs at start of build.
    -R release  Set RELEASEDIR to release.  [Default: releasedir]
    -r          Remove contents of TOOLDIR and DESTDIR before building.
    -T tools    Set TOOLDIR to tools.  If unset, and TOOLDIR is not set in
                the environment, nbmake will be (re)built unconditionally.
    -U          Set MKUNPRIVED=yes; build without requiring root privileges,
    		install from an UNPRIVED build with proper file permissions.
    -u          Set MKUPDATE=yes; do not run "make clean" first.
		Without this, everything is rebuilt, including the tools.
    -V v=[val]  Set variable `v' to `val'.
    -w wrapper  Create nbmake script as wrapper.
                [Default: ${TOOLDIR}/bin/nbmake-${MACHINE}]
    -X x11src   Set X11SRCDIR to x11src.  [Default: /usr/xsrc]
    -x          Set MKX11=yes; build X11R6 from X11SRCDIR
    -Z v        Unset ("zap") variable `v'. 
如你所见, 你可以重新设定这些选项来改变编译操作。 有些我们已经介绍过了, 你可以根据自己的需要设置其它选项。



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